Google: No Advantages for Existing or New Window SEO Opening Links

Is there any difference between google ranking or Search Engine Optimization when the link opens in a new tab or existing tab? Does it bring any kinds of benefits to the websites? There is a doubt regarding such questions to many users. This question came to Google’s John Mueller, and he cleared all the doubts with logical answers, as far as possible. According to John, no differences are there when it comes to ranking purposes. So, new tab or existing window, opening a link is almost the same.

It is a common question that comes with a straightforward answer without a doubt. But posting uncomplicated stuff is refreshing. John said the fact is that nowadays, no one gets surprised by posting simple things.

John shared a GIF that correctly reveals the exact thing. Many people are confused by the process of opening a link. And thus, the question comes to mind. But the latest GIF shows how it works, as there are many clarifications that one must know. First of all, you should know what happens when The HTML opens a link in both the new tab and the existing one. It shows that a blank or new HTML link is equal to adding a target.